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Meals on Wheels

Home-delivered meals are delivered to individuals who are 60 or older, homebound, and/or unable to prepare a meal or transport themselves to a meal site. A five day frozen meal option is available for those that can use a microwave or conventional oven to heat their meals.  This service is dependent on volunteers who deliver the meals to homes during lunch hours on weekdays. Our Meals on Wheels Sites are located in our seven Senior Centers.

Please call 803-356-5111 for additional information.

Home Care

Home Maker services provides assistance with light housekeeping for the frail, home-bound elderly.  Medication pick-up may be provided to qualified homebound clients. 

For additional information, please call 803-356-5111. 

Medical Escort

Limited transportation is available for seniors to and from medical appointments, for those who have no other transportation option.  Emergency transportation is not available.  This service works by appointment only.  

Contact us at 803-356-5111 for information to see if you are eligible. 

Medi-Loan Closet

The medi-loan closet allows Seniors to use our available medical equipment (walkers, wheelchairs, etc.) at no charge. This service is reliant upon equipment donations. We appreciate all donations.

Senior Centers/Nutrition Sites

Daily weekday congregate meals are offered at our seven nutrition sites located in our Senior Centers. The meals are available to those 60 years and older. Transportation is available to the sites for those individuals that qualify. Call (803) 356-5111 for more information on transportation.

Please visit us at Senior Centers to find the location nearest to you. 

Volunteer Services

Volunteers are needed to support many of the programs and services that we offer. Meals on Wheels, special events, handyman services, the annual Meals March Fundraiser (benefits the Meals on Wheels Program) and Senior Center Programs all need the time and energy of those who are willing to lend a helping hand. For more information about volunteering call 803-356-5111 or email [email protected].

Lexington County Recreation & Aging Commission

563 South Lake Drive 
Lexington, South Carolina 29072
Phone : 803-359-4048
Email : [email protected]
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